
I, right now, this very minute have decided to start a new mini series of sorts appropriately hash-tagged #WhenIGrowUp.

My first official what I want to be #WhenIGrowUp is : A HIPPIE


That’s right a tree hugger.

The Urban Dictionary definition of the term hippie is as follows (clears throat):

A Hippie is a person who was raised under the ideological system that came out of the tumultuous 1960’s in North America and western Europe. They are either of the flower-child/baby boomer generation or that generations’ subsequent offspring. They possess a core belief set revolving around the values of peace and love as being essential in an increasingly globalized society, and they are oftentimes associated with non-violent anti-governmental groups. There is a stigma of drug abuse attached to the hippies that is prevalent to this day, specifically the use and abuse of marijuana and hallucinagens.

First thing I must address is the weed, the Bob Marley Juice (if no one has ever thought of that before I officially copyright).

I have never in my 22 long long years of life ever smoked weed (or anything for that matter).
Never once.
Never felt the need to try it.
THAT BEING SAID ,I don’t think weed is harmful. I would guess within the next 5-7 years weed will be nationally legalized for recreational use.

Blaze up! 👌

Now the reason I want to be a hippie when I grow up is because I feel like I totally embrace the stereotype.

I love love and peace and hugs and nature.

I strive to promote love everyday. I strive to spread love every minute.

I say all the time “there’s a lot of evil and darkness in this world, I want to be a light”

When I hear the word hippie I just imagine love and being carefree and traveling on cool vans

(I realize it’s probably more like sweat and drug filled orgies with people wearing flower crowns…. But I like to think of the flower power type of hippie 🙂 )

I just think life is too short to have hate in your heart. You live here for only a little while. Make the best of it.

I feel like so much of life is wasted on stress and worry and money and greed and lust and hate.

Take care of your body. Take care of your mind. Be yourself. And spread love

Signing off lovelies,


Enjoy what you have, when you have it.

I try to always have a “glass is half full” kind of view on life.

I try to always be grateful for ALL of the immense blessings God has put in my life.

But that does not mean I do not have bad days. I have bad days, everyone has bad days. Right?

Car accident at the worst time (is there a best time to get into a car accident?), a death in the family, a broken bone, a bill you have to pay late, a heel breaking, a job you did not get, your kids ruining your new couch….

You know the drill.

There will always be something that can ruin your day,

But next time that happens maybe think to yourself, “Ok this sucks, but, what has gone right today”

I mean face it people, you have so much going for you that you probably take for granted.

You have both arms and legs! You have a roof over your head, a place to shower with hot water and go to the bathroom, food in your fridge, a job to provide for yourself.

There are people out there that aren’t sure where their next meal is going to come from, or who don’t have shoes on their feet, or have health problems.

There is probably always going to be someone out there who has it worse than you.

I am not saying you are not allowed to have bad days. That’s ok. It happens to everyone.

But maybe next time something unfortunate in your life happens, look around and take in all that is going right.

It may help.